What IT Operations to Implement?

Widely acclaimed for its nomadic, flexible, and economic aspects, cloud computing can be used in many sectors thanks to the diversity of its applications. If the manager of your company is still hesitant to opt for this alternative, you can introduce him to the different services offered by cloud computing providers. There is bound to be a cloud solution made for your business!

The applications of cloud computing are almost unlimited and meet the challenges of large companies as well as those of VSEs/SMEs. Here are the ones that will quickly become essential for the management of your information system.

IT Operations #1 – Virtual Machines

The use of virtual machines makes it possible to increase your computing capacities and resources tenfold on an ad hoc or permanent basis. These machines provide computing power to process the most complex operational tasks in just a few hours, which would take you several days with a single server. In this environment, the possibilities are endless: developing applications, configuring software, or extending your storage capacities.

IT Operations #2 – Cloud Backups

In any company, the safeguarding of sensitive data is an issue. Loss of information can harm your business and the productivity of your employees. The cloud environment allows you to benefit from a reliable and cost-effective backup service, automatically adapting to your needs without the need for you to develop a dedicated infrastructure onsite.

IT Operations #3 – Data Recovery

Handling and computer processing errors are more common than you might think. The data restoration system integrated into cloud computing is based on the replication of information on several machines. This process limits the loss of information and allows you to easily restore old file versions, including in the context of collaborative work.

IT Operations #4 – Databases (SQL)

By opting for cloud computing, you benefit from an automatically scalable SQL database, allowing you to reduce latency and achieve much faster processing. All this at a lower cost since invoicing is correlated to your real needs.

IT Operations #5 – Optimized Access Management

Computer security is a crucial issue. Some features accessible in cloud mode help you keep your confidential data secure. You can, for example, easily partition and partition access to certain folders, create dedicated access for certain groups of users, or even set up advanced verification and authentication methods.

IT Operations #6 – Storage

Documents, applications, and software are computing resources used daily by your company, which can require significant storage space. Server rental is one of the flagship services of public cloud or private cloud service providers. It helps to reduce the costs associated with the acquisition and maintenance of equipment.

Turn-Key Solutions (TKS) is the best IT solution provider that provides you with data backup solutions and document management services.

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