How To Scan And Massively Process Your “Paper” Mail?

The local authorities almost all admit it: the number of “paper” letters continues to decrease. Citizens now prefer online forms, requests by e-mail, questioning on social networks, or text messages sent to elected officials. The communities acknowledge that they still receive these handwritten letters every week requesting the elected official for an appointment or a… Continue reading How To Scan And Massively Process Your “Paper” Mail?

Print While Consuming Less Paper, Toner, And Electricity!

How To Optimize Your Paper Prints? Even if using tailor-made and scalable equipment rental solutions such as what we offer them is already an excellent way to optimize your paper printing, it is possible to deepen this CSR approach by making your employees aware of more responsible practices. Not limited to double-sided printing and using… Continue reading Print While Consuming Less Paper, Toner, And Electricity!